I might have lived most of my life next to Sweden but I've only ever been there once and my family doesn't have any relatives there, so my contact with the country has always been pretty limited. That, and I always lived in eastern Finland, where it is more common to hear Russian than Swedish. So yeah, my collection of postcards from Sweden is tiny to say the least. That's why I was so excited a while ago when a nice postcrosser from Sweden offered to swap with me.
I have no idea of the exact location of the place on this card, but it reminds me a lot of Astrid Lindgren's Barnen i Bullerbyn, particularly the 1986 movie "Alla vi barn i Bullerbyn" ('The Children of Noisy Village') which I loved when I was a kid, and I still really like it. They seem to live such an innocent, carefree life in that film, it's rather adorable.
The stamps are from a set of 5 stamps issued in 2010, depicting flowers (Pansies).
I'm a 37 years old Finnish girl who moved to England in early 2008 to live with her husband. I love cosy days in, snail mail, books, cats, tea and chocolate.
I love sending and receiving postcard from all over the world. If you would like to send me a postcard or contact me, send an e-mail to ichabod.h (at) gmail.com
I think it's spring on/at the postcard. I like the wooden houses! Nice card.
It really is a pretty one, I really like the wooden houses, too.
The real location from the movie "Alla vi barn i Bullerbyn" is in Sevedstorp, Vimmerby, Sweden.
From de movie in 1986:
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