Heather told me that this is a really common scene for her. All the ground over there is this colour, even when they tar-seal roads. It'll be spring in Australia soon (I always keep forgetting they have winter when we have summer... And for a change it has actually been very summer-y in England this week - it's REALLY hot here! :O) which means wild flower season as well. Looks very pretty!

The stamps are from a set of 4 stamps issued earlier this year and celebrate the importance of Lachlan Macquarie (1762-1824) as Governor of New South Wales. During his time as governor (1810-1821), Macquarie provided an important vision for the colony. He embarked on a public works program, erecting churches, parsonages, courthouses, lighthouses, convict barracks and factories. These buildings would transform the physical appearance of the colony.
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