Anyway. This week has been pretty hot as well, certainly hot in British terms. :P I've been dreaming of visits to a beach again, such as seen on the card below...
This is my first postcard received from Trinidad & Tobago, a private swap with Jacquline in T&T. I have to admit I know very little about Trinidad & Tobago, except that it looks a lot like paradise to me - sunshine and all those beaches, ahhhh...!
About this card... There are two sheds on the shore, the one that is scloser up is selling local snacks and sweets and is covered with Carat-a Type of branch used to cover roofs and houses long ago. The second shed is selling souvenir items.

I couldn't find any info about the stamps so all I know is what it reads on the stamps... The one on the left shows the Giant Anemone, and the bigger stamp appears to be from a series of stamps depicting historical buildings, this one showing Hayes Court in Port of Spain.
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