There's a little bit of basic information on the back of the card:
Russian Federation
Capital: Moscow
Area: 17 075 400 km2
Population: 141 927 297 people
I keep forgetting how huge Russia is... I got one reminder again yesterday when I received a card from my postcard pal Katya who lives in Moscow. She told me she's thinking of going to St Petersburg for a visit as it "isn't far from here" - about 600 miles away! I'm not sure if it would be that much if you travelled from the southernmost point of England to the northernmost point of Scotland...! So yeah, it's definitely all very relative.
I also love the colours and the little matryoshka dolls on the card!

Julia used such nice stamps on the card, too. They are from a set of 4 stamps issued in 2009, representing World Cultural Heritage in Russia. These here show Solovetsky Islands.
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